Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cupcake madness

I had a great day today, and even managed to be home on time, Yay! I came across a few odds and ends that I want to share from my lunch time googling.

I have a really long list of things I want to do once I fininsh uni and actually have time to do them. One of these things is to make biscornu (thats french for pointy). I am not sure what they are meant for, but I plan on sticking pins into mine. Here is a picture of one...

I also found another cupcake related trinkety thing at Scrapbooks etc. It seems pretty simple to make, so I will have a go at making one and send it to my cupcake mad friend. I am sure she will love it!

Speaking of cupcakes and pin cushions, I also came across a cupcake pin cushion. How great is that? Perhaps I could make a really big one to sit on while watching tv...


  1. make sure you dont accidently sit on the pin cushion....

  2. Thanks for the warning. Have you ever considered being a Health and Safety Rep? Lol.

  3. funny that! imran brings dodgy electrical cords from work and uses them here and we have a lovely landlord and the other day he was in here looking at the termite infested wood and he was telling me how (cos the chord is heaps long and parts of ) its dangerous to have wrapped and partially taped up chord bunched up behind the when imran got home i was rousing on him about not being safe...ehehhe
    ..also hes got internet cables going across the corridors and ive almost stacked it that many times! you would think he doesnt work in safety....
