Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I think I am developing a google addiction. Well, its more an addiction to blogs than anything else really. There are just so many out there that I keep stumbling across it makes me want to keep looking. Its a bit like walking down a bush track that is twisting and turning, you want to go back because your unfit and it looks like there is a hill up ahead, but you keep going just to see what is around the next corner. Yeah, like that. Anyway speaking of blogs, I think I have found the worlds longest sentence at Sassy Kathy. Its worth reading, and the lesson is; if you have had a bad day don't get a hair cut.

I found this picture while googling. I am sure there are many people who could identify with this. I cant help thinking the inbox is filled with different versions of the same damn scope of work... Its at times like this you need Brannigans Law, but apply it to people instead of planets. Hmm yes, "I don't pretend to understand Brannigans Law, I merely enforce it".

Anyway, I also found a great blog-a life made easy peasy lemon squeezy home- for making alien softies. I am having a great time reading about how to make them and stuff. I had a go at making a dove last Christmas and it kinda worked out. I think there is a lot I would change next time though.

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