Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Trucks are not toys

I spent most of the day driving around doing general investigation. This mainly involved looking at all the things I had been promised would be done, only to find no one had been anywhere near the task let alone actually completing it. So it looks like I will be out there again soon to remind these helpful people that the task still requires doing, and yes I will be checking to make sure it gets done.

In my travels I came across what I like to think of as the toy yard. It makes me think of a particularly pedantic child lining up all their tonka toys...

I have also come across a great blog that shows how to make some really cute boy's t-shirts out of Dad's old shirts. I understand that in some cases there would be screams of protest against this, but when the child is to young and naive to protest why not make one, force them to wear it and take a photo to taunt them with later? Seriously though, Made is a great blog (and Dana explains how to do puffed sleeves if your feeling a bit Anne of Green Gables).

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