Monday, February 22, 2010

Life on the edge

I am living life on the edge and posting this during an amazing thunder storm. I guess there could be lightning too, but I dont know because I have closed all the curtains for the night. Its the first lot of rain for the last few weeks which is great, it has hardly rained this wet season. Or perhaps I should call it the slightly damp season. To the left is a picture of the harbour with a storm coming up. I love how vivid the bay went.
Anyway, it appears I have almost recovered from a very monotonous week of training at work. I spent most of the weekend feeling like my brain had been replaced with lumpy mashed potato. So I did the only sensible thing I could think of, tried to do my uni work. It didn't really work out so I made a few patchwork pieces instead.

This is my first attempt at doing patchwork and I happily cut up a couple of shirts I used to wear when forced to work in an office. I am still forced to work in an office, but at least I get supplied with a uniform. Actually when I think about it, this is a very expensive piece of patchwork. Anyway, I found this pattern made using hexagons, so I think I will have a go at copying the idea. Yes, shamelessly copying someone else's idea. See I'm not artistic at all, I get it all from google (instructions for making the hexagons using a paper template can be found here)...


  1. Soraya, I just discovered how to subscribe to your blog, was wondering if you had been doing any posts lately. Foolish me, I could have just checked. Anyhoo, I should be in bed storing up the zzzzzz for the high energy required to look after my just turned one little lion cub. I am enjoying reading the backlog of posts and love the links to crafty sites that you have found in your lunch hour, especially made. Your photos are good too. xx

  2. Thanks Kathy. Its great you are enjoying reading it, knowing that makes it easier to continue posting stuff. I feel a bit guilty for only really posting links to other peoples sites and am hoping to start putting some of my own stuff up. Perhaps once I finish uni... Always great hearing from you, Soraya.
