Monday, July 18, 2011

Not another pony tail

I have recently gotten up the courage and cut a fringe into my hair. I have been puzzling over this for years, and finally just went ahead and did it. Now, in a tropical climate, I am starting to think having hair flopping in my face wasn't an entirely a sensible thing to do. Still I like it, and have since considered what else I could do to my hair (all of it requires a much cooler climate).

I have always wanted curly hair, and my suborn hair would never hold a curl. I considered hot rollers, but they are expensive and look like a lot of work for something that will end up requiring scissors to remove from my head. Instead, I am going to try out the no-heat curl and see how that goes...

If it doesn't work, I can always pin it back

Note: the picture is in french or something, but if you want a better look try here;

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