Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Broomsticks and the art of being thrifty

The optimism of Friday was squashed by Sunday evening after the sewing machine never made it out of its cupboard. I did manage to try out a bit of broomstick lace after finding this handy tutorial while randomly bouncing around on youtube (Its just of a lady showing how to do broomstick lace nothing weird or scary or anything*).

This was all a bit exciting and I had to give it a go, although my broom is one of the modern ones with a hook on the end that would make the whole thing a bit nightmare-ish. I did find a metal pipe up the back of one of the cupboards. I think it was left here by the previous tenants, although I am not sure what it is for. Perhaps it was an alarm system where if left balanced precariously on the door handle it would make a hideous noise when it falls onto the tiles if anyone was to try to open the door. It would probably make a noise if someone walked past and coughed. Anyway whatever its original purpose, it makes a great 'really big knitting needle' and I was being thrifty and using the materials I had at hand. So using a fairly large pipe and a crochet hook, I was able to make up a sample of broomstick lace. I would put a photo of it here but the wireless internet here seems to be struggling, so I will have to post it some other time.

*This might seem like a strange comment, but I recently came across a story of a lady whose son was scared out of his mind after watching something benign, possibly something about elmo, on youtube that turned out to have a ghost jump out and scream or something. Apparently people do that for some reason, most likely because they are weird little people that think its funny to glue coins to the footpath and similar pranks...

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