Sunday, October 17, 2010

Banana pants

I prefer to think I am getting old rather than acclimatising to the heat up here. I have begrudgingly given up and bought myself a pair of slippers to wear around the house on the cold floor. It is a chilly 21 degrees inside! I had planned on crocheting a pair of slippers, but I just couldn't wait that long, and besides I was having troubles getting two the same. So, going along with my decent into old age, I have even taken to wearing pyjamas. The horror!

A little while ago I bought some pyjama pants online and paid a small fortune (which I have later found is about right for adults pyjamas). Shortly after sleeping in them, they have turned themselves into a twisty licorice all-sort and started to fall apart. So,I finally got up the nerve and cut into one of the pieces of fabric I brought back with me from Sydney. Today I made (and finished) the first ever piece of clothing that I will probably be able to wear- Pyjama Pants!


I am quite proud of my sewing attempt. And because they are for sleeping in, I don't have to worry about anyone commenting on my lack of sewing skills (see the worlds ugliest skirt if you don't believe me). There was a scary moment there when I had to do some button holes (elastic is a little bit beyond me at the moment). Luckily with some phone support from my Nanna, I was whizzing up buttonholes all over a scrap piece of fabric. Too bad they weren't as good on the actual pants.
Anyway, I am off to pack up my mess (not as bad as the crape incident) and bake some banana bread for the week...

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