Sunday, April 4, 2010

Might as well face it, your addicted to sugar

Each day I get a few goodies emailed to me. One of these goodies is a cookie of the day email. Basically everyday I have a biscuit recipe emailed to me that generally involves a stick of butter and a cup of sugar. Some look interesting, most just look like hard work, and none of them are as easy to make as the short bread I always end up baking when I make biscuits. So I found it interesting when I was emailed a quiz to see if I am addicted to sugar. 'I'm not addicted to sugar', I thought as I crunched my way through a bag sugar cubes and clicked on the link (of course I am kidding about the sugar cubes, I don't do that anymore).

Yes I do make excuses to get some sugar, and I do hide it in small piles around the house... Oh my god, I am addicted to sugar!

Its lovely how a link to healthy snacks were included. Unfortunately they all require access to relatively fresh fruit and veggies. Unless I start growing veggies in the gunk that builds up on the windows, the availability of fresh fruit and veggies is extremely limited.

I bought a punnet of strawberries a little while ago and carefully checked in the shop to make sure they were all okay. I kept them in the fridge overnight and went to eat them the next day only to find the punnet was actually a punnet of fungal mycelia with some strawberries in them. This hasn't happened once, it has happened everytime I have bought 'fresh' veggies or fruit. So now I am entirely reliant on tinned, frozen and dried fruit and veggies. I will have to save healthy eating until I am within reasonable distance of civilisation again...


  1. lol! good old plant chem classes! "Fun- jai" stupid guy- cant even remember his name!

  2. He he he, and the look on his face when you tried to explain how to pronounce it. Burgess I think it was... He would be proud to know that I remembered something from his course! Lol
