Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things you shouldn't try when you are tiered

I tatted my first flower this evening and found there are some things you just shouldn't try when you are very tiered. Needle tatting is most likely close to the top of the list, somewhere near trying to carry out a phone conversation while learning to needle tat.

Its a bit wonky and doesn't look as good as the one in the video (and my version was accompanied by the sounds of feral budgies pushing each other off the swing and Jack continuously farting- I am sure its all the vegetables Luke is feeding him, unlike the birdsong in the video), but I am pretty pleased with my efforts. I think I will try it again when I have had enough sleep and patience.

1 comment:

  1. very impressive! I'm teaching myself to knit, too many mistakes easily made when tired even when knitting simple moss stitch. Your flower looks good!
    Glad that Luke is back from that crazy work he does!! xx
