Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Self-inflicted insomnia

I had plans to write something brilliant this evening, but now feel like I have a head filled with marshmallow and have completely forgotten what the brilliant thing is. I blame my lapse in drinking a caffeinated drink just before bedtime last night and bouncing around for five hours afterwards unable to even consider going to sleep. So now I am sleep deprived and am having troubles just thinking of basic words more than two syllables long. The worst part is that it is all self inflicted. I know I don't cope too well with caffeine, why on earth did I drink a cup of strong black tea right before bed?
Ah yes, yesterday was magazine day and I was busy getting all excited about the catalogues* I get individually posted out to me** (because I am unlucky enough not to have a real mail box that gets stuffed full of junk mail. How stupid, you spend ages trying to prevent an influx of crap into your letterbox when you have one, but when it does stop there is some sort of strange withdrawal)- and you have to have a cup of tea while reading through one, its just part of the experience. Anyway, I have found a whole new list of things I wanna get... the Fjord Ponies for example.
*The link is to the electronic version of the catalogue. Be prepared if you click on it, the scrunchy page turning sound effect nearly made me jump through the roof... then I turned the speakers down
**Actually its only one catalogue, but for some reason I receive three copies each time. Perhaps they are for swapsies... Does anyone want one?

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