Saturday, January 8, 2011

Forbidden reading... er... listening

When I finished uni last year, I joined a local writers group. I am not sure what I expected but I didn't expect to stumble across the odd opinion that you can only read a book. Heaven forbid you should buy an audio book and listen to it while doing things that don't mix too well with reading (such as walking the dog or driving- although I did see a guy riding a bike and reading a newspaper the other day). The scorn was palpable, which was quite ironic given the lady later admitted to not doing as much reading as she would like due to a busy schedule. Hmmm

I have found new joy in getting through all the books I want to read but never seem to find the time for (just finished Pandora's Star by Peter Hamilton, couldn't believe the ending and have just finished downloading the follow on book- Judas Unchained in time for Jack's afternoon walk). I am still waiting for the last book (Owner's Share) in the Golden Age series by Nathan Lowell (which is free by the way) and have about a million books on the waiting list to either listen to (The Red Queen), read (Steig Larsson's Millenium Trillogy) or buy (Wolf Hall).

If anyone has any great books they have recently read (or listened to) to recommend I would love to hear them. Unless its 1984, a book I was patronisingly told to read and found it incredibly trite, and afterwards wished I could claw back the time that was lost on it- not unlike Dirt Music which bored the crap out of me and I only finished due to a friend constantly gushing about how great it is.


  1. Great post Soraya, Its exactly what I have had on my mind theses last few days - Audio Books. In preperation for sooooo much time ahead of me breast feeding it recently occured to me that I don't have to stare blankly at he carpet 8 times a day for 20 min at a time (at he very least) This amounts to at least 3 hours a day where I could be catching up on all the books I've always wanted to read. Trouble is I have allowed early motherhood to mash my brain and have lost that list ....... what were those books again?

    So please help! Soraya, what gripping, non violent, non gore books would you suggest to a breast feeding mumma who wants to engage in a wholesome story line full of drama. Yes, I remember now I do like Jane Austin! What would you suggest and from where? I have an iphone.

    Kathy xxx

  2. Hi Kathy

    I would totally recommend the Golden Age series I was going on about. Its great and its free :-D If you are prepared to pay, and like historical novels, White Queen and Red Queen by Phillipa Gregory is also really good. I'm listening to Anna Karenina at the moment and its pretty good (a lot like War and Peace) and for $2 its a total bargain!

    Hope you find something great. Let me know and I will add it to my list as well


  3. If you like crime books try any by Peter Temple, start with Broken Shore then the Jack Irish trilogy set in Melbourne, they're all good.
    I liked Wolf Hall very much but found Hilary Mantel's earlier books hard going.
    As for listening to books, well, it doesn't matter how you do it, it's still the same result!

  4. The Jack Irish trilogy sounds good. I am about to start the Phryne Fisher novels... as soon as I finish the two I am listening to and the one I am reading :-P
