Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stuck in the mud

Its hard to believe a whole month has gone by already. I really should pay more attention. I was convinced it was Wednesday today and was really pleased when I found out it was Thursday. Still, its better than Tuesday when I was convinced it was Saturday and was horribly depressed all the way to work.

I have been busy crocheting away and now my crochet square is getting close to 20cm square. Not bad for thin crochet cotton and a teeny tiny hook. I am still not sure what it is, but will keep going until I get bored with it and pack it away with my enormous scarf that I never finished. I would put up a picture but it is just like the one from two posts ago only slightly bigger. Although I have to say I was pretty pleased to find out that you are allowed crochet hooks and knitting needles on domestic flights again, so I was crocheting all the way from Darwin to Brisbane. Its quite surreal to crochet in the early hours of the morning.

The other bit of news is that Jack and I have been biking along the trails behind the town. I have only run over him twice, and each time I told him to get out of the way so its his own fault. Poor Jack has never really been taken out with a bike so it was all a bit scary, what with all the spokes and tyres and everything. I am sure I must look like a crazy lady riding around the place yelling at Jack to get out of the way and not to sit in the mud.


  1. No no you are doing it all wrong, you are supposed to have the dog pulling you along! The bike is your sled!

    Loved catching up on all blogs. I think I will stick to cross stitch, doing knots is not my thing, I struggle at the best of time. Though I do know what a granny knot is! At least I know when I want something crochet where to go:-)

  2. I considered the whole dog sled thing, but Jack is not a skilled leader. All I could see in my minds eye was a tangle of leadrope, bicycle tyres and squeeling red dog.
