Saturday, May 8, 2010

Almost there...

I only have three more sections to write for my uni report and am so excited that it is nearly finished. And I have only procrastinated a little bit! Yay!

While procrastinating I came across the Dunning and Kruger Effect. Which is pretty much a theory that incompetent people have no idea how incompetent they are, so they believe they are more competent than they really are. The other side of this is that competent people know how competent they are, so they know how much they still have to learn and so are not as full of them selves as incompetent people are. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, I thought it fit well with the New Scientist story from a couple of months ago that basically said that people who are competent at their job are promoted to positions where they are perhaps not suited/traind for. They will continue to be promoted until they reach a point where they are completely incompetent at their job and no longer progress.
Or, from what I have observed call numerous meetings and form many committees to discuss the progress of a project, which in fact delays progress, at which point the committees then have another item to discuss- why there is no progress. I have had the misfortune to be part of some of these meetings and find them completely bewildering. I can only guess that this is how it is for everyone but no one has the guts to say that none of it makes sense. That would be admitting your own incompetence...

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