Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The clay bat concussed the cat

I spent the evening last night painting glaze onto clay bats that are destined to go on a wall somewhere. Possibly somewhere there are bats... or not (well there will be once these ones are glued wherever they are going to get glued- hopefully firmly since these things have a bit of heft to them. I can imagine some poor person, or stray dog, stopping to sit by a shady wall, possibly to snack on a tropical fruit, only to have a bat to fall on them... all that effort smashed). I'm not entirely sure of the grand plan for them (possibly obvious by my opening sentences), although I do know they will end up somewhere public. Which is why I haven't signed my bat. This way they won't know who to blame.

After spending far too much time with the vampire genre lately, I made an owl in an act of rebellious-ness. I have no idea what I'll do with it. I like to think that art doesn't need a purpose, although it probably has the same degree of artistic-ness as the same thing crafted by a 6 year old. Still, I like it and can always stick a pot plant on it if nothing else

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