Monday, September 26, 2011

It's alive! It's alive! Mwah ha ha

Jack is the equivalent of a a 57 year old man*, who acts like a teenager. He recently started climbing over the back fence and hanging out with the neighbours dogs.

This sounds like a lot of doggy fun, but what was actually happening was Jack was hanging out near the fence while the great dane cross zombie rottweiler chiuaua in the neighbours yard tries to smash its way through the fence to eat Jack and all his doggy I'm-outside-the-fence-and-you-can't-get-me-nyer-nyer-nyer smugness. Add to this, grumpy miners who work night shift and you can imagine how great it is to come home to find Jack sitting in the drive way with a large self satisfied grin.

At first I started tying him up through the day, only to find he started making his escape at night (keep in mind this is a decrepid old dog that can barely chase a ball or go for a walk longer than 10 minutes). He seemed to enjoy being tied up during the day since this allowed him to get in a good nap for the following nights escapade.

So then I started tying him up all the time and only releasing him for walks. He responded by tangling himself up every hour or so and howling. I haven't slept through the night for a while. Something had to be done. A red cattle dog was not going to out think me. So I did what any sensible person would do...

I put in an electric fence! Mwah ha ha ha ha



  1. Poor little Jack, he just wants some friends:-) I can't believe he is already that old!

  2. We got Jack some company, and now I think he wishes he enjoyed his quiet time more. Its wonderful to see little Hamish bouncing around and giving Jack a bit of excitement (probably not the way Jack sees it!).

    Lucky must be getting close to requiring a small kitten friend to keep her company soon?

  3. That is great news. The puppy looks so cute.
    Lucky I don't think would like a small kitten friend as I think she would kill it! She is not a fan of other cats. Plus she is only 7 soon to be 8, so a bit younger than Jack. Dogs tend to be more open to that little playmate.
    No more pets most likley for 2.5 years anyway:-(
    Enjoy the new puppy!
